Rural circuit has been  identified as one of the thematic circuits for development of tourism related infrastructure under Swadesh Darshan scheme: G. Kishan Reddy

Rural circuit has been  identified as one of the thematic circuits for development of tourism related infrastructure under Swadesh Darshan scheme: G. Kishan Reddy

The Voice of Chandigarh News:

Rural circuit was identified as one of the thematic circuits for development of tourism related infrastructure under Swadesh Darshan scheme of the Ministry of Tourism. The guidelines provide financial assistance to State Governments/Union Territory Administrations for development of rural tourism related infrastructure in the country.

Further, as conveyed by Ministry of Rural Development, one of the Rural Development schemes under implementation is Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban Mission (SPMRM). SPMRM was launched on 21st February 2016 with attempts to make the selected rural areas in form of the cluster, socially, economically and physically sustainable regions by providing economic, social and infrastructure amenities, thus leading to sustainable and balanced regional development in the country.

Under SPMRM, clusters are not exclusively developed as Tourism clusters, rather the Mission focuses on holistic development of clusters and to ensure an optimum level of development. 21 components have been suggested as desirable for the Cluster development. Among the 21 components, Tourism promotion is one of the major component under which States/UTs have approved investment both under CGF and Convergence for different activities like beautification of tourist sites, infrastructure development at tourist places, Pilgrimage Development for Tourism, construction of Tourism parks, Heritage development, etc. A total of 103 clusters covering 32 States/UTs (including Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh) have approved an investment of Rs.492.31 Crore both under CGF and Convergence under Tourism Promotion. The cluster-wise investment approved under Tourism promotion component in the country (including Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh) are at Annexure-II.

So far as the State of Jharkhand is concerned, out of the allocated 15 clusters under SPMRM, eight clusters have identified tourism development components with an approved investment of Rs.14.44 Crore and in the case of Chhattisgarh, Rs.0.49 Crore has been approved for one cluster under tourism component under the Mission.

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