Road Widening Work in Phase-11 Mohali Market Causes Trouble for Businessmen

Road Widening Work in Phase-11 Mohali Market Causes Trouble for Businessmen

Market Association Advisor Dr. Satish Garg Requests Rapid Completion of Work

The Voice of Chandigarh : The ongoing road widening work at the parking entry in Phase-11 Mohali Market has been causing significant issues for local traders for months. Members of the Market Welfare Association have expressed serious concern over the prolonged delays in the road construction work.

The association’s advisor, Dr. Satish Garg, along with President Gurbachan Singh, General Secretary Harpreet Singh, and local traders, are troubled by the negative impact the delayed road construction is having on their businesses and the persistent disorder in the area.

Dr. Satish Garg explained that due to the road construction work, the number of customers coming to the market has significantly decreased. The continuous construction activities are making it inconvenient for customers to reach the market.

Local traders stated that traffic obstructions are causing problems not only for customers but also for supply vehicles, which is harming their businesses. The association has requested the Municipal Corporation and relevant authorities to expedite the road construction work and address the problems arising during this period. Dr. Satish Garg stated, “We want the construction work to be completed as soon as possible so that the issues affecting our business can be reduced and customers can comfortably access the market.”

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