Rtn. Dr. Ramneek Sharma appointed new President of Rotary Classic Chandigarh

Rtn. Dr. Ramneek Sharma appointed new President of Rotary Classic Chandigarh

The Voice of Chandigarh News:

Installation Ceremony of the new President of Rotary Classic Chandigarh was held. Rtn. Dr. Ramneek Sharma as President and her team were installed for the year 2024-25. Past DG Rtn. Praveen Goyal was the Chief Guest for this function. AG Rtn. Jaspal Singh Sidhu was the Guest of Honour. Dr. R. S. Bedi Past AG and Nominated counselor of MC Chandigarh and Mrs. Bedi, Padt Distt. Chair of Inner wheel also graced the occasion. Its a 3 year old young club but have very enthusiastic members willing for Service above Self. They have undertaken projects on Cancer Awareness,  Adolescent Health and Mental well being, Environment, Dental Care, Skill Development.

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