Admission to MD/MS Courses (Session-2023) in GMCH-32 Chandigarh
The Voice of Chandigarh:
This is regarding recent changes in the process and sequencing of counselling for admission to MD/MS courses in GMCH-32 Chandigarh. The changes were necessitated by the shortcomings in the earlier process and sequencing of counselling can be better explained with the following example:

There are total 05 seats in Radiodiagnosis branch and 04 seats in General Medicine branch in State Quota which are bifurcated as under:
General Medicine- 04 seats
- IP Pool: 02 seats
- UT Pool: 02 seats
If all the first 10 candidates in the actual combined merit list of session- 2022 would have applied for Radiodiagnosis as their 1st choice and General Medicine as their 2nd choice then the seat allocation will be as follows under both the processes.

As per the PREVIOUS process and sequencing of counselling: IP Pool candidates are firstly adjusted against UT Pool seats and then against IP Pool seats.
Combined Merit | NEET-PG Rank | Pool Eligibility | Allocation | Remarks |
1 | 225 | IP+UT | Will get Radiodiagnosis and adjusted against UT seat | Got 1st Choice |
2 | 253 | IP+UT | Will get Radiodiagnosis and adjusted against UT seat | Got 1st Choice |
3 | 543 | IP+UT | Since UT seats have been exhausted, will get Radiodiagnosis and adjusted against IP seat. | Got 1st Choice |
4 | 767 | UT | Will NOT get Radiodiagnosis because the UT seats have already been exhausted. Will get General Medicine and will be adjusted against UT seat. | Got 2nd choice. |
5 | 1033 | IP+UT | Will get Radiodiagnosis and adjusted against IP seat. | Got 1st Choice |
6 | 1599 | IP+UT | Will get Radiodiagnosis and adjusted against IP seat. | Got 1st Choice |
7 | 2059 | IP+UT | Will get General Medicine and adjusted against UT seat. | Got 2nd Choice |
8 | 2076 | UT | Will neither get Radiodiagnosis nor General Medicine because UT Pool seats exhausted. | May get 3rd choice only. |
9 | 2336 | IP+UT | Will get General Medicine and adjusted against IP seat. | Got 2nd Choice |
10 | 2767 | IP+UT | Will get General Medicine and adjusted against IP seat. | Got 2nd Choice |
As per above, the UT Chandigarh Pool candidate with 767 rank in the NEET-PG could not get the seat of 1st choice while an IP Pool candidate with 1599 rank in NEET-PG got the seat of 1st choice. Further UT Chandigarh Pool candidate with 2076 rank did not get 2nd choice and had to go for 3rd choice while an IP Pool candidate with 2767 rank got 2nd choice.
As per the REVISED process and sequencing of counselling: IP Pool candidates will be firstly adjusted against IP Pool seats and then against UT Pool seats.
Combined Merit | NEET-PG Rank | Pool Eligibility | Allocation | Remarks |
1 | 225 | IP+UT | Will get Radiodiagnosis and adjusted against IP seat | Got 1st Choice |
2 | 253 | IP+UT | Will get Radiodiagnosis and adjusted against IP seat | Got 1st Choice |
3 | 543 | IP+UT | Will get Radiodiagnosis and adjusted against IP seat. | Got 1st Choice |
4 | 767 | UT | Will get Radiodiagnosis and adjusted against UT seat. | Got 1st Choice |
5 | 1033 | IP+UT | Since IP seats have been exhausted will get Radiodiagnosis and adjusted against UT seat. | Got 1st Choice |
6 | 1599 | IP+UT | Will get General Medicine and adjusted against IP seat. | Got 2nd Choice. |
7 | 2059 | IP+UT | Will get General Medicine and adjusted against IP seat. | Got 2nd Choice. |
8 | 2076 | UT | Will get General Medicine and adjusted against UT seat. | Got 2nd Choice. |
9 | 2336 | IP+UT | Since IP seats have been exhausted will get General Medicine and adjusted against UT seat. | Got 2nd Choice. |
10 | 2767 | IP+UT | Will neither get Radiodiagnosis nor General Medicine because all seats exhausted. | May get 3rd choice only. |
As per above, all the candidates with higher rank in combined merit list got the seat of 1st or 2nd choice which also includes 02 IP candidates getting 1st or 2nd choice from UT Pool seats. The candidate with lowest NEET-PG rank will be considered for 3rd choice.
3. After detailed examination and analysis, the Process and Sequencing of counselling for admission to MD/MS Courses (Session-2023) in GMCH-32 Chandigarh has been revised with the following objectives:
- To bring more transparency and fairness in the whole process of the counselling.
- To remove the discrimination to the Candidates of UT Chandigarh Pool who did their MBBS from other Medical Colleges but have secured higher rank in NEET-PG, thereby upholding the principle of merit.
- Higher NEET-PG rank candidates of UT Chandigarh Pool will get fair chance within the UT Pool along with IP Pool candidates.
- The seat allocation with detail of specific pool and NEET-PG rank of the candidate will be displayed on the website immediately after each round of counselling to ensure transparency.

4. Here it is clarified that:
- There is no change in the eligibility criteria of Institutional Preference Pool (IP) and the UT Chandigarh Pool (UT Pool)
- The candidates of Institutional Preference Pool (IP Pool) will be considered against UT Chandigarh Pool seats also in case their preferred choice is not available in IP Pool, subject to their eligibility under UT Pool.
- There cannot be any instance where a UT Pool Candidate gets a preferred choice of the particular branch while an IP Pool Candidate of better PG-NEET rank is unable to get the particular branch.
- There will be still an edge available to the IP Pool applicants because they will be considered for UT Pool in case their preferred choice is not available in IP Pool but not vice-versa.
- IP Pool seats are exclusively for IP Pool candidates and none of the UT Pool candidates will be considered against IP Pool seats.
- The UT Pool candidates will be considered against UT Pool seats only. They will NOT be considered against IP Pool seats.
5. All the admissions in MD/MS courses will be done strictly as per the Prospectus released by the GMCH-32 Chandigarh which is available in public domain.