ADTOI CSR activities
The Voice of Chandigarh :

On the occasion of Holi, as a part of ADTOI CSR activities, Geeta Maheshwari – Chairperson of Women Empowerment and CSR Activities Committee, ADTOI along with Ms Anamika Mishra – LEO, ADTOI Uttar Pradesh Chapter visited Camposit Vidyalaya Khanpur, Chiraigoan , Varanasi, a Government School for underprivileged children.

They met the students from 1-8th class, almost 130 students and interacted with the students from 6-8th class. They celebrated Holi festival with the students and distributed sweets , chips, chocolates, muffins, juice along with the Holi colours. It was an exhilarating experience for them to meet and spend some time with these students. Photographs taken on the occasion is attached.