Chandigarh Cong gheraoes MC stages massive protest over BJP anti-public policies
Around 15 party leaders, workers were injured in water cannons
Chandigarh Pradesh Congress Committee led by its president, Subash Chawla staged a massive protest against the anti-public policies of BJP at Municipal Corporation.
Thousands of party leaders, workers and supporters including a good number of women gathered outside the MC office to show their resentment over the misfit rule of BJP at MC.

Carrying placards and banners like ‘take back hike in water tariffs immediately’,’ Samaan kaam samaan vetan lagoo karo’, ‘Awara pashuyon se chutkara dilayyo’, ‘Drivers bharti scam ki janch karayoo’, ‘’Takth badal du taaz badal du BJP ka raaz badal du’, the party leaders and workers gheraoed the MC office for nearly three hours.
The water cannons failed to dampen the spirit and zest of protestors who kept shouting slogans against the miserable role of BJP and MC and at centre as well.

Meanwhile while speaking during the occasion, Subash Chawla said that today’s protest was to wake the BJP from its slumber. The public has fed up with the BJP anti-common man and anti-farmers policies. In fact, the public has made its mind to topple BJP rule with its beginning to start from Chandigarh MC upcoming election, he maintained.

Talking about BJP’s failed rule in MC, he said that it has assured to take back the water tariff hike but still it didn’t. MC safai karamcharis are not getting the salary on time. The problems of drinking water have gone from bad to worse. The overcharging for garbage collection, broken roads, bad condition of dumping ground that is posing a danger of spreading serious diseases at Daddumajra, justified demand of sanitation workers, driver recruitment scam etc. are many few pending issues and matters where BJP has failed to sort out and remained tight-lipped by completely ignoring welfare and interest of residents.

Demanding cancellation of Lions company contract, Chawla said that MC is paying Rs. 53 cr annually to the company for city cleaning whereas city ranking on cleanness index is declining. It appeared that the company is rather more interested in submitting its bills than paying attention to the proper cleanliness of the city, he said.
Through this protest we also demanded strongly that the exploitation of employees on GeM portal should be stopped immediately, MC daily wages employees should be regularized immediately, the roads in the city and villages should be recarpeted and a vigilance inquiry in the fire incident at dumping ground should be ordered. Taking responsibility for the complete failure, the MC Mayor should resign immediately, he demanded.
Meanwhile, around 15 party leaders and workers got injured during water cannons that police used to disperse the protestors. Deepa Dubey, president of Chandigarh Mahila Congress has to rush to the hospital after facing low blood pressure. Another woman leader from sector 25, Anita sustained injuries on the face near her eye and was rushed to hospital with a bruised eye where the doctor advised her full bed rest. Party leaders Darshan Garg got injuries on his leg and foot and Aashish Gaznabi, Prem Pal Chauhan and Sunil Sood also sustained injuries.
Youth Congress leader, Manish Bansal along with his supporters also participated in the protest. He demanded that all wrong anti-people policies by the BJP should be withdrawn immediately. He also sought to release poll notifications for the coming MC poll immediately.

Meanwhile all AICC members, Chandigarh Cong office bearers, party councillors, Presidents of Mahila Congress and Youth Congress, INTUC, NSUI, Chairmen of Cells, Sewa Dal, party office bearers, all district presidents and block presidents with their supporters , senior party leaders and party workers participated in the protest.