Chandigarh Police Department organizes oath ceremony during the 1st day of the Vigilance awareness week
The Voice of Chandigarh :
In compliance of the recommendation of Central Vigilance Commission Chandigarh Police Department organized the oath ceremony during the 1st day of the Vigilance awareness week that is to be celebrated on the theme of “Say no to corruption commit to the nation”. W/IGP/UT Chandigarh initiated the program with integrity pledge for citizens. Approximately 120 police officials and officials of Vigilance Cell attended the program and took the integrity pledge for citizens, which is as under:-

I believe that corruption has been one of the major obstacles to economic, political and social progress of our country.
I believe that all stakeholders such as Government, citizens and private sector need to work together to eradicate corruption.
I realize that every citizen should be vigilant and commit to highest standards of honesty and integrity at all times and support the fight against corruption.

I, therefore pledge:-
- To follow probity and rule of law in all walks of life.
- To neither take nor offer bribe.
- To perform all tasks in an honest and transparent manner.
- To act in Public interest.
- To lead by example exhibiting integrity in personal behavior.
- To report any incident of corruption to the appropriate agency.