Chandigarh Traffic Police Road Safety Awareness Team conducts Road Safety Awareness Session at New Public School
The Voice of Chandigarh News:

Chandigarh Traffic Police Road Safety Awareness Team comprising of Insp Parvesh, SI Bhupinder Singh, Sr CT Rajeev & Vol Shamber conducted Road Safety Awareness Session at New Public School Sector 18 UT Chandigarh for the students of Class 9th, 10th and 12th standard from 9.30 AM to 11.30 PM by way of Lecture, pamphlets , by showing video clips & pictures and active participation of students. This awareness session was attended by 155 students & 05 Teachers.

During this Awareness session, the students and teachers were awarded the Motor Vehicles Act. 1988 along with its Amendment made Since 1st September 2019, Central Motor Vehicles Rules 1989 Motor Vehicle Driving Regulation 2017, Importance of Traffic Road Signages& Road Markings.

Besides this, they have also imparted knowledge about the Impact and Importance of various important issues which are for their own safety as well as for the safety of other road users such as the Impact of Mobile phone usage while driving and the usage of blue tooth & earplugs while driving, cycling and walking as how it’s usage causes distraction which leads to road crashes or any untoward incident, Importance of Wearing Proper Safety Head Gear (HELMET) of BIS standards I.S.I Mark of good quality which is of proper head size and its strap properly fastened to save from head injury and not to be of a loose size and loose strap as during road crash the helmet goes off the head resulting into a head injury which can be fatal, Importance & Impact of wearing a seat belt, unnecessary honking and its effect, Importance of Pedestrian (Zebra) Crossing and how to cross the road safely, usage of Cycle tracks, Give way to emergency vehicle Ambulance, Fire-Brigade, & Police (PCR) Vehicle, Importance of Road Signage & Road Markings and Traffic light signals. Special emphasis was given to the Impact of driving by Juveniles and the legal penal consequences the Juvenile, their parents and the vehicle owner face in case of accidents committed by Juvenile and traffic violations. They were also made aware of the law covering GOOD SMARTARIAN also.

A small quiz was also held and the students namely Riya 9th, Himanshika 12th, Alisha Behal 10th Akshit Jaiswal 10th & Anshgulia 9th were awarded trophies. Literature related to road safety, rules and regulations has also been distributed to the students. A pledge to obey and abide by the Traffic rules was also administered during this session. The programme has been appreciated by the participants.