The Voice of Chandigarh News:
Hon’ble Governor of Punjab and Administrator, UT Chandigarh, VP Singh Badnore today presided over War Room meeting. The meeting was attended by Manoj Parida, Adviser to the Administrator,Arun Kumar Gupta, Principal Secretary Home, Sanjay Baniwal, Director General of Police & Dr. Vijay Namdeorao Zade, Finance Secretary at Punjab Raj Bhawan. KK Yadav, Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Mandip Singh Brar, Deputy Commissioner, UT, Yashpal Garg, CEO, Chandigarh Housing Board, SS Gill, Secretary Education, Vinod P. Kavle, Secretary IT, Uma Shankar Gupta, Director Transport and Deputy Commissioners of Mohali & Panchkula, Director, PGIMER, Director Principal, GMCH-32 & Director Health Services, GMSH-16 attended through Video Conferencing.

WAR ROOM DIRECTIONSDr. Jagat Ram, Director PGIMER stated that they have conducted 10,489 tests and the positivity rate for Chandigarh was 10.7%. He mentioned that they have 282 covid cases in PGIMER, out of which 51 belong to Chandigarh, 135 to Punjab, 49 to Haryana, 22 to Himachal Pradesh & 25 from other states. He further mentioned that there are 43 patients suffering from Mucormycosis (Black fungus), out of which 30 are suffering from corona. Hon’ble Administrator directed PGIMER to give special attention for their medication. The Director mentioned that they are presently testing 1,200 covid samples, which has now been increased to 1,500 per day. Hon’ble Administrator also directed them to ensure that the results of tests are communicated promptly to the patients. The Administrator also requested PGIMER Director to expedite the civil works, so that two new oxygen plants sanctioned for PGIMER could come up at the earliest. He also mentioned that the Administration will soon give permission for a Sero-Survey in the city to know the infection level amongst the residents. Dr. Jasbinder Kaur, Director Principal, GMCH-32 stated that they have tested 5,087 covid samples and found 8% positivity rate. She also mentioned that they have 26 patients suffering from Black Fungus. Necessary treatment is being given in coordination with PGIMER. She also mentioned that the testing capacity of GMCH has been increased to 700 per day. Dr. Amandeep Kang, Director Health Services stated that they have tested 23,261 covid samples and found 13.4%v positivity rate. She also mentioned that doubling rate in the city is 111 days, the recovery rate is 90.5% and the fatality rate is 1.02%. She also mentioned that till date, 3,15,357 Covidshield vaccine doses have been administered to the residents. She also mentioned that 70% of the healthcare workers and 74% of frontline workers have been vaccinated so far. She also mentioned that the wastage of vaccines has been only 0.9%.

Hon’ble Administrator expressed his satisfaction about special vaccination camps, which were organized for the mentally challenged patients in Sector 15 and the persons under medical treatment in Chandigarh Spinal Rehabilitation Centre, Sector 28-A.
Deputy Commissioner, Panchkula stated that they have 1,686 active cases and positivity rate was 8.9%, Deputy Commissioner, Mohali stated that they have 5,663 active cases and positivity rate was 10.5% and Deputy Commissioner, UT, Chandigarh stated that they have 4,874 active cases. He also mentioned that 141 micro-containment zones have been set up in different parts of the city.
Keeping in view the substantial reduction in the number of covid cases, the loss of livelihood for daily wagers and substantial set back to traders, shopkeepers and other commercial organizations, the following decisions were taken in the War Room :-
All shops will be allowed to remain open from 09:00 AM to 03:00 PM. However, all shops premises will be totally sanitized. All customers entering the shops and all persons attending them mandatorily wear masks. The concerned Market Associations must ensure the availability of masks both on shop floors and entry points to markets. They will also ensure that there is no congestion or crowding inside the shops’ premises or in the open areas of the market places.
All shopping malls, cinema halls, theatres, museums, gym, libraries, spa, salons, Sukhna Lake & Rock Garden will continue to remain closed.
Restaurants will not be allowed any in-room dining. However, home delivery and take-aways will be allowed.
Night curfew from 06:00 PM to 05:00 AM will continue.
The weekend curfew from 06:00 PM (on Friday, the 28th of May, 2021) to 05:00 AM (on Monday, the 31st of May, 2021) will continue. During the weekend curfew, only essential shops will be allowed to remain open.
Sampark Centres will remain open. However, the covid protocol will be strictly followed.
As far as possible, the private sector employees should work from home. No action will be taken against private offices remaining open, wherever necessary.
The Sport Centres will remain open for national players and those preparing for Olympic and national gamesHon’ble Administrator decided that the demand of trade and industry for exemption of rent in government-owned/allotted shops will separately be examined along with similar demand for relaxation in electricity, water charges, property tax etc.
Hon’ble Administrator expressed serious concern about the number of fatalities caused by Corona. He directed Secretary Social Welfare that in case of any orphans, who are suffering due to death of their guardians, they should be accommodated and taken care in government welfare homes. All cost will be borne by UT Administration.
Hon’ble Administrator also stated that restrictions will be reviewed and re-imposed, if corona situation does not improve in the city.
A detailed order will be issued by the Adviser to the Administrator under Disaster Management Act.