Recoveries of Rs 189 crores made in the last 18 months
The Estate Office has launched a massive drive to recover outstanding dues of leasehold/rented properties.
Around 6400 no. of demand notices have been issued in the last one year and proceedings for resumption/cancellation of allotment of sites have been started in respect of around 1600 no. of properties.

A substantial amount of recovery amounting to Rs 189 crores has been made in the last 18 months.
The Estate Office looks after a vast portfolio of about 54000 properties including residential, commercial, industrial, institutional and various colonies throughout the city.

Strict action including resumption/cancellation of sites would be undertaken by the Estate Office if defaulters do not deposit pending dues within the next month and eviction proceedings would also be intiated against such properties.

A review meeting was held by Dr Vijay Namdeorao Zade, Finance Secretary-cum-Secretary Estates, UT, Chandigarh in the presence of Vinay Pratap Singh, Estate Officer where directions have been issued to SDMs and Assistant Estate Officers to act tough on defaulters.