Estate Office, UT Chandigarh is going to organise Grievance Redressal Camp on 16.12.2023
The Voice of Chandigarh:

Estate Office, UT Chandigarh is going to organise a Grievance Redressal Camp on 16.12.2023 ( For residents of Sector 1 to 30, Industrial Area – Phase I and II) and 17.12.2023 from ( For residents of Sector 31 onwards) 10.00 am to 2.00 pm at Community Centre Sector 18 and Community Centre Sector 38- C, Chandigarh respectively.
Applicants/ Public whose cases are pending in the Estate Office may submit their representations at the above mentioned venues.
Vinay Partap Singh, Deputy Commissioner along with Asstt. Estate Officers and officials of Estate Office will be available at the venue on both the dates.
Dr. Vijay Namdeorao Zade, IAS, Secretary Finance-cum-Estates will also visit the camp and review the proceedings at Camp on both the days.
The decision on the applications received during two days camp will be taken by the Estate Office and communicated to the applicant in due course.