Estate Office, UT Chandigarh organises grievance redressal camp
The Voice of Chandigarh :
Estate Office, UT Chandigarh organised grievance redressal camp at Community Centre, Sector 18 for the properties situated in Sector 1 to 30, Industrial Area Phase I & II. A total of 56 applicants visited the camp today with their claims and documents.

Majority of applications submitted were related to cases pertaining to transfer of ownership and updation of status of Resumed Properties. In addition, applications related to various services — including occupancy certificate, building plans, No Dues Certificates — were also submitted during the camp. The applicants visited personally at the camp for their pending matters.
Dr Vijay Namdeorao Zade, IAS Finance Secretary along with Vinay Pratap Singh, DC cum Estate Officer also visited the camp and met the applicants.

Deputy Commissioner Vinay Pratap Singh said that the Estate Office will examine these applications under the rules and take appropriate decisions within 15 days on these applications.
Finance Secretary stated that review of these applications would be done on priority. He further stated that all services being provided by the Estate Office manually will be switched over to online mode at the earliest.

Mayor Anup Gupta also visited the camp and appreciated this step for disposal of cases and termed it as transparent approach of the Estate Office.

The Estate Office UT Chandigarh is committed to resolving residents’ issues and streamline it’s administrative processes.