First file signed by PM pertains to PM Kisan Nidhi release

First file signed by PM pertains to PM Kisan Nidhi release

The Voice of Chandigarh News:

After being sworn in as Prime Minister for the 3rd time, PM Narendra Modi signs his first file authorising release of 17th instalment of PM Kisan Nidhi.  This will benefits 9.3 crore farmers and distribute around Rs 20,000 crores.

PM taking charge of the office of the Prime Minister of India at South Block, in New Delhi on June 10, 2024.

After signing the file, PM Modi said “Ours is a Government fully committed to Kisan Kalyan. It is therefore fitting that the first file signed on taking charge is related to farmer welfare. We want to keep working even more for the farmers and the agriculture sector in the times to come.”

It’s heartening to hear about the Prime Minister’s dedication to farmer welfare and the agricultural sector. Initiatives like the PM Kisan Nidhi scheme can significantly impact the lives of millions of farmers across India, providing them with much-needed financial support. It’s essential to prioritize and continue such efforts to ensure the prosperity and well-being of the farming community, which forms the backbone of the nation’s economy.

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