Her Essence A Journey of Emotions
H. C. Gera | Bureau Chief
It is said that the expression of ideas and emotions with the creation of certain aesthetic qualities is not confined to shapes, lines, and colors. But the visual language through the display of meaningful paintings speaks volumes of emotions.

Artist Monisha Tripathy embraced another path with immense passion leaving behind the sparkling business world and taking the brush in her hand on canvas to create ‘Her Essence.’
‘Turtle That Paints’ a ‘Solo Exhibition’ of about 35 paintings by Monisha Tripathy was on display in Lokayata Art Gallery in Hauz Khas New Delhi.

The exhibition was inaugurated by the Chief Guest Ms. Yasmin Kidwai, a renowned filmmaker and founder of Spring Box Films. Present on this occasion were other prominent dignitaries and artists Ms. Rukia Chatterjee, Director & Curator Gallerie Ruki as Guest of Honor. The special guests who also graced the occasion were Ms. Aman Pannu Head-DCM Shriram Foundation and Mr. Sanjiv Verma, President of Lokayata Art Gallery.

When enquired from Monisha Tripathy about her innovative interest in paintings and creations. She with sparkling eyes shared her emotions “From crafting murals to producing miniature portraits on cowrie shells and pebbles, my interest has kept on growing since my childhood.”
While viewing the paintings the Chief Guest, Ms. Yasmin Kidwai was so overwhelmed that the flow of emotions was visible in her facial expressions. It appeared that the emotions descended directly from the paintings and touched her heart.

Though I am not an art critic, the journey of painting was displayed in such a manner that a vibrant display of colorful paintings occupied a place from where curiosity grew to view the next painting. The narrative of each painting by Monisha Tripathy was so elucidative that one could easily understand the expression of the paintings. It was a total reflection of feminine energy with beautiful captions on one side of each painting. According to Monisha Tripathty, “Art is more than just a form of creative expression for me — it’s a way of life. I believe that by embracing my authentic self and staying true to my passion, I can help others do the same. Join me on a journey of self-discovery and creativity”.

In one of the paintings ‘Guardian Angel’ she writes:
In her gaze, a spark of hope ignited bright,
Contagious optimism, a comforting light.
In another painting ‘Pegasus’ she captures the feelings of masculine strength by saying:
Pegasus soars with grace, wings unfold,
Masculine strength, feminine spirit bold.

I must appreciate Monisha Tripathy’s Artwork through this Solo Exhibition which lifts the viewers to the next level with positive Feminine Energy. ‘Her Essence’ is certainly praiseworthy which will go a long way with novel ideas of creativity.
A standee banner outside the entry gate of Lokayata Art Gallery vividly explained – Imagine a world where you are free to express all your emotions without being held back by fear.
This is how you celebrate womanhood