H.C. Gera | Bureau Chief | The Voice of Chandigarh

A National Level Conference for two days on ‘Emerging Viral Infections, Challenges and Road Ahead’ was recently organized by the Post Graduate Department of Microbiology, GMC Srinagar in collaboration with ICMR, New Delhi.
While inaugurating the two days conference, the Chief Guest, Advisor to Lieutenant Governor J&K, Rajeev Rai Bhatnagar amid the gathering of eminent doctors, medical researchers and other scholars categorically remarked that “with the rapid development and increasing connectivity across the global world, the problem of virus transmissions is amplifying on daily basis”. He also said that the scientists and researchers in the field need to understand the emerging viruses on the basis of scientific cannons so that timely action is initiated to check the viral transmissions. Bhatnagar further continued that “we as a society need to be fully prepared for facing any kind of viral exigencies in future. He also added that there is an urgent need to develop an infrastructure keeping in view the future challenges the viruses may pose for the mankind”.

While speaking about the significance of the National Level Conference, Advisor Bhatnagar highlighted that this conference will be a great platform to deal with the challenges of viral infections and make our future ready to deal with any kind of pandemic.
The Advisor also complimented the GMC Srinagar and ICMR for organising this kind of conference owing its relevance to the present day world.
A Souvenir ‘Em Vir Con- 2022’ was also released on the occasion during the conference.

The conference was also virtually addressed by Secretary Health and Medical Education, Bhupinder Kumar. He said that the two days conference addressed the current issues of viral diseases and therefore owes much significance in the present world.
Dr. Samia Rashid, Principal GMC said that due to rapid development, the connection between humans and animals is increasing which has led to emergence of several viral diseases in the society.
Professor Dr. Anjum Farhana, HOD Microbiology GMC Srinagar during her welcome address divulged about the broad contours of two days National Level Conference.
Among others, the conference was attended by Director SKIMS, Principal GMC Jammu, former Director SKIMS, and HODs of different departments, medical researchers from ICMR and other institutes, doctors and other medical practitioners.
Pre-Conference National Hands on Workshop on “Molecular Viral Diagnostics: Quality Control and Troubleshooting”
Department of Microbiology, Government Medical College (GMC) Srinagar in collaboration with Regional VRDL, Department of Virology PGIMER, Chandigarh established under Department of Health Research/ICMR, organized a pre-conference national hands on workshop on “Molecular Viral Diagnostics: Quality Control and Troubleshooting”.

The workshop was organised keeping in mind the requirement of molecular diagnostics in the era of COVID-19 pandemic and other high risk viral pathogens of public health importance like Monkeypox, Nipah, CCHF to provide hands on training more so with the trouble shootings encountered during the test procedures. The training was also meant for ensuring quality control in the test system making the test more reproducible which must be the mandate of every diagnostic laboratory in the country. The workshop was attended by more than 40 clinicians, research scientists and laboratory technicians across the country.
Prof R.K. Ratho, Head, Department of Virology and principal investigator, Regional VRDL along with Dr Subhabrata Sarkar, Scientist-C appraised the participants about molecular viral diagnostics, appropriate and timely sampling from the patients and bio-safety concerns in handling, transportation and proper preservation of the clinical materials with high risk pathogens. During the workshop special emphasis was given to clarify the problems related to conventional, Real Time as well as sequencing of newly isolated viruses. A session was dedicated in primer designing to select specific primers to go for testing in clinical samples suspected of SARS-CoV2, Nipah, Dengue, Chikungunya and Influenza, Hand Foot Mouth Disease viruses etc.
The Scientific Programmes and the Technical Sessions
The two days Conference was full of brainstorming sessions. It was unique to notice that there were 3 Sessions on each day where the eminent speakers poured their minds with latest topics on the viruses which enlightened the researches and the students present in large numbers.
The keynote speaker, Dr. Nivedita Gupta scientist F and ECD Chief ICMR, New Delhi delivered her Keynote address entitled ‘Emerging Viral Infections’ on-line because of her preoccupations. Her address unfolded several aspects of emerging viruses. This was followed by a lecture by Dr. Pragya Yadav, group leader BSL4, NIV ICMR Pune-Monkeypox Outbreak: The Changing Epidemiology and Diagnosis. Her lecture was quite captivating.

The session 2 included a plenary lecture by Dr. Mohammad Sultan Khuroo, Director Digestive Disease Centre, and Ex- Director SKIMS and another lead lecture by Dr. R.K. Ratho, HOD, and Department of Virology PGI Chandigarh. Dr. Khuroo’s lecture was about the discovery of Hepatitis E and its Impact on Public Health. Dr. Ratho’s lead lecture was also on Chronic E: A growing public health concern. It was an experience listening to eminent stalwarts who contributed and shared the knowledge in the field of Discovery of Viral Hepatitis E and Chronic E:A respectively.

During Session 3, lead lecture by Dr. Pragya Yadav on Surveillance of Influenza and SARS-CoV-2 Pan India Study which was quite informative.
Dr. Ajaz Nabi Koul, Additional Prof. Department of Internal Medicine, SKIMS Soura, Programme Director, DNB fellowship in Infectious Disease talked about the Preparedness of handling emerging infections under “One Health Concept”. Dr. Mohammad Altaf Bhat Professor and Head Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology, SKAUST delivered an interesting lecture.
Dr. Altaf Hussain Mir (Entomologist) and Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology University of Kashmir, spoke on entomological aspects on vector borne Diseases.
The second day of the conference was thought provoking. The Keynote Address was delivered on line by Dr. Priya Abraham, Director NIV Pune. This was followed by two lead lectures by eminent speakers by Dr. Parviaz Koul Director SKIMS Saura Srinagar and Dr. Sarah Cherian, Scientist G, NIV ICMR. The Session 2 also included lead lecture by Dr.Harsimrat Kaur Scientist C ICMR New Delhi, Dr. Muzafer Maqbool, Associate Professor Department of Medicine, GMC Srinagar and Dr. Ambreen Qureshi, Prof. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. GMC, Srinagar.

Like wisely, the Session 3 on second day was also interesting which dealt on the varied topics by the eminent academicians namely Dr.Mohammad Salim Khan Professor Head Department of PSM, GMC Srinagar, Dr.Ashoq Mir, SMO WHO And Dr. Bansi Dhar Taral Head Microbiology and infection control, Max The Hospitals, Saket, New Delhi.
The First Time Two Days National Level Conference cum Workshop at GMC Srinagar
It was unbelievable a well managed National Level Conference cum Workshop was organised for the first time at GMC Srinagar. All appreciations for Professor, Dr. Anjum Farhana, HOD Microbiology and organizing Chairperson, and Chief Organising Secretary, Professor Dr. Nahid Nahavi GMC Srinagar and the entire team.
The micro planning for this conference was of the highest order. Dr. Farhana is not only an ambitious planner but more than that an executor par excellence. A special mention about Dr. Reyaz Nasir and Dr.Danish Zahoor, for most efficient coordination with the participants and the guests attending this National Level Conference.