Mayor inaugurates permanent ‘RRR Centre’ at sector 17 Chandigarh
People can donate their reusable household items at the permanent RRR centre from 8th June
The Voice of Chandigarh News : Working towards better management and promotion of the principles of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, Anup Gupta, City Mayor inaugurated a permanent RRR Centre at new bridge market, near Jagat Cinema, Sector 17 in the presence of Kanwarjit Singh Rana, Senior Deputy Mayor, other councilors and officers of MCC, office bearers of Market Welfare Associations, Sector 17 and prominent persons of area.

Having four different shops for cloths, books, shoes, electronic items etc. The RRR store will remain open from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm daily from Tuesday to Sunday and will remain closed on Monday.

At the opening of the RRR centre, the Mayor said that the Municipal Corporation had started 35 temporary RRR centres throughout city in each ward, where city residents donated their reusable household articles from May 20 to June 5th, 2023. He said that the MCC further cleaned, refurbished and up cycled the articles which will be further made available for sale at the “Rupee stores “very soon. He said that restored items will be sold at nominal rates to the needy with the aim to ensure household items in good condition do not go waste and are reused instead.

The Mayor said that only good quality and useable items will be accepted for donation including clothes, shoes, books/stationery, plastic items, crockery, toys, e-waste, wooden items, furniture etc. He said that these articles will also be collected through MCC’s ‘Swachh Sawari’- RRR on Wheels. He said that Self Help Groups and the sanitation workers of MCC have been deputed to look after the day-to-day operations and management of the RRR centre and the Rupee stores.
He further said that this project will further strengthen the RRR’s of waste management- Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. She said that this will give an impetus to the overall zero-waste ecosystem under Swachh Bharat Mission-Urban 2.0.