MCC deploys cycle carts for door-to-door waste collection in narrow lanes and hand carts for better sanitation
The Voice of Chandigarh News:
Municipal Corporation Chandigarh, in a continued effort to strengthen the sanitation system of the city, deployed cycle carts for door-to-door garbage collection in narrow streets and small hand carts for the collection of swept-up waste in the inner streets of the city.

Sarbjit Kaur, Mayor, Chandigarh and Anindita Mitra, IAS, Commissioner, MCC, flagged off the 50 cycle carts for door-to-door waste collection and 300 hand carts for sanitation from the MCC office premises before Diwali to strengthen the sanitation system during the festive season in narrow streets of the city.

While speaking on the occasion the Mayor said that there is littering in almost every narrow street of the city and the safai karmacharis were facing acute problems. Also, door-to-door waste collection from these areas was also a problem as the big vehicles with garbage bins and other sanitation vehicles can’t enter these streets. Now the addition of small cycle carts with the sanitation department will strengthen the sanitation system in the narrow streets.
This is another step towards taking Chandigarh towards the top 5 in Swacchta Sarvekshan.