National Disabled Day celebrated by N. A. Cultural Society
The Voice of Chandigarh :
National Day for Persons with Disabilities was celebrated by the N. A. Cultural Society at Sector 38 ‘Prayas’ institution with special children. In ‘Prayas’, efforts are made for the overall development of special children so that they can become self-reliant in future. All the children dressed in fancy dress were feeling themselves in the same character.

Food items were distributed to the children by the society. All the children danced and sang and enjoyed a lot. Special thanks to Naresh Sharma, Rita Sharma ji and the team for the success of this beautiful and successful program organized at ‘Prayas’. On this occasion, Anita Middha, Riddhi Bisht and Dhriti Kandpal had their heartfelt thanks for taking out time from your busy schedule to grace the programme. There was special support from Renu Verma and Ginni Kaushik ji! Many thanks to Blasbox 33 for distributing wonderful gifts and chocolates to the children.

Society President Nikhar Anand Middha thanked everyone once again and said that he would expect similar cooperation from everyone in such programs to be held in the future.