National Lok Adalat organised at District Courts, Sector 43, Chandigarh
The Voice of Chandigarh :

Under the aegis of National Legal Services Authority, the State Legal Services Authority alongwith District Legal Services Authority, U.T., Chandigarh organized National Lok Adalat in the District Courts, Sector 43, Chandigarh. Necessary directions regarding safety of litigants, staff and Judicial officers of the Court keeping in view the public rush had been adhered to.

Fourteen benches headed by the serving Judicial Officers were constituted in the District Courts, Sector-43, Chandigarh. Criminal Compoundable cases, cases under Section 138 of N.I.Act, Bank Recovery cases, MACT Cases, Matrimonial Disputes, Labour Disputes, Arbitration matters, other Civil Cases, Municipal Matters and Traffic Challans were taken up and disposed off with the consent of the parties.

In the National Lok Adalat total 2325 cases were disposed off by the benches of serving Judicial Officers constituted in New District Courts Complex, Sector 43, Chandigarh which include 2 Criminal Compoundable, 1825 cases under Section 138 of N.I. Act involving an amount of Rs.8,03,05,808/-, 34 Motor Accident Claim cases involving an amount of Rs.4,39,12,000/-, 47 Matrimonial/Family Disputes, 152 Civil Suits and Rent Cases involving an amount of Rs.61,88,738/-, 68 Executions involving an amount of Rs.2,85,37,097/-, 02 Criminal Revision, 27 Crl. Misc., 21 Civil Misc. involving amount of Rs.2,81,83,107/-, 35 Arbitration cases, 05 Civil/Rent Appeal involving an amount of Rs.3,45,000/-, 29 cases of 125 Cr.P.C., 16 cases of D.V. Act, 19 Untrace cases, 23 cases of Registrar of Companies Act/Shop Act involving an amount of Rs.10,05,000/-, 17 Criminal Appeals involving amount of Rs.41,66,500/-, 03 cases of Guardian/Succession Act, 3880 Traffic Challans were also disposed of by imposing a fine of Rs.23,75,050/-. In addition to this 23816 Traffic Challans were disposed of w.e.f. 20.05.2023 to 02.09.2023 in Lok Adalats held on every working Saturday.

In addition to above, 2381 cases involving an amount of Rs.1,74,076/- were disposed of by Permanent Lok Adalat (Public Utility Services), 50 pre-litigative cases involving an amount of Rs.22,76,250/-, 3 cases were settled in Permanent and Continuous Lok Adalat, 16 Labour Dispute Cases involving an amount of Rs.9,54,500/- and 65 Consumer Court Cases involving an amount of Rs.5,45,95,911/- were also disposed of were also disposed of.

Today’s National Lok Adalat was conducted under the able guidance of Hon’ble Ms. Justice Ritu Bahri, Executive Chairperson, State Legal Services Authority, UT, Chandigarh. Lok Adalat is a party’s justice in which public and judges participate and resolve their disputes by discussion, pursuation and mutual consent. Learned District & Sessions Judge, Chandigarh Arunvir Vashishta; Learned Member Secretary, State Legal Services Authority, UT, Chandigarh Surender Kumar; and Chief Judicial Magistrate-cum-Secretary, District Legal Services Authority, UT, Chandigarh Navjeet Klair thanked all for making this Lok Adalat a success.