The Voice of Chandigarh News
The TAFI Convention 2025 will be held in the Ninh Binh province in Northern Vietnam from 17 to 20 January. The theme of the convention is “Tourism for Tomorrow: Protecting the Planet.”

Elaborating on the choice of destination and the theme, Ajay Prakash, President said “Indian tourism is booming. While inbound numbers are still below pre-Covid levels, outbound and domestic tourism are breaking all records. But an industry that is totally people-centric and which thrives on the natural beauty and the amazing diversity in the world also has a duty to protect the Planet. Sustainability has gone beyond being a mere catchword, it is the single most important need today for the tourism industry and if we are to rethink our business models and think beyond profit, the move has to come from within the industry. As the leading travel association in the country TAFI will take the lead in sensitizing our members who in turn will guide their clients towards Responsible Tourism practices.”

“Vietnam is a beautiful country and has become a very popular destination for Indian travellers, however, the beautiful Ninh Binh province remains relatively unexplored by Indian tourists and, as always, TAFI seeks to introduce our members to newer, lesser known destinations. It also reinforces our belief that tourism must move beyond the usual popular destinations,” he added.
Anil Kalsi, Vice President added “The Provincial government of Ninh Binh has been extremely supportive and the Department of Tourism has laid out the red carpet for TAFI delegates. Our members can look forward to a memorable Convention.”

Speaking about the format of the Convention, Abbas Moiz, National General Secretary added “TAFI is offering members a 3 night Convention at an incredible price of Rs. 15,999/- per person on twin sharing. We have also negotiated great prices with DMCs for some exciting pre and post-Convention tours. Our members can contact them directly to take advantage of the special prices. Similarly, members are free to choose between the various airlines offering direct or connecting services to Vietnam and take a stop enroute.”
Hitank Shah, National Treasurer clarified that the Convention package starts and concludes at Hanoi airport. “We will have shuttles from Hanoi airport to Ninh Binh from early in the morning on 17 Jan until midday and again back from Ninh Binh to Hanoi airport on the 20th to facilitate our members arriving and departing on different flights.”
Seeraj Sabharwal, Chairman of the Convention committee concluded the briefing by mentioning the various options for additional tours that the delegates can take to Da Nang and the Bana Hills, or a cruise in Halong bay, or a visit to the lovely beach at
Ho Tram. “We promise a Convention full of compelling content, delicious food and exciting entertainment”, he said.
Participation is restricted to official agency representatives and their spouses, TAFI is restricting numbers and will close registrations at 400 delegates, the Early Bird offer closes on 6th December.