The aviation sector including airlines, airports, and related services have come under financial stress on account of the COVID-19 pandemic. The details of major steps taken by the Government to revive the civil aviation sector during this period, inter alia, are as follows:
- Provide support to airlines through various policy measures.
- Provide airport infrastructure through the Airports Authority of India and the private operators.
- Promotion of private investments in existing and new airports through the PPP route
- Provide an efficient Air Navigation System.
- Through Air Bubble Arrangements, efforts have been made to ensure fair and equitable treatment to our carriers in the international sector.
- Goods and Services Tax (GST) rate reduced to 5% from 18% for domestic Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) services.
- A conducive aircraft leasing and financing environment has been enabled.
- Route rationalization in the Indian airspace in coordination with Indian Air Force for efficient airspace management, shorter routes and lower fuel consumption.
- Coordination with stakeholders to resolve issues.

The key outcome of these measures has been that inspite of the pandemic, domestic operations have reached about 50% of pre-Covid level. Also, the number of freighters has increased from 7 to 28.
This information was given by General (Retd.) Dr.V.K. Singh, Minister of State in the Ministry of Civil Aviation in a written reply to Shri M.V. Shreyams Kumar in Rajya Sabha.