Sacred Heart celebrates Teachers’ Day
The Voice of Chandigarh News:
Sacred Heart Sr Sec School celebrated Teachers’ Day as an earnest expression of gratitude to the Nation Builders. Each day and event at Sacred Heart dawns with invoking the blessings of the Almighty Lord. A prayer meeting was conducted to thank the Lord for His mercies and seek His blessings. The Heartians had woven together a string of mesmerizing musical, dance, and poetic renditions, which were a clear reflection of their love for their beloved teachers and a genuine appreciation for the unwavering commitment of the teaching fraternity.

Rev Sr Arti, the principal, emphasized the fact that the teachers have always been engaged in the mission of transforming the lives of their pupils for the better. While engineering and sculpting the impressionable minds of the mentees, the mentors must be additionally prudent as they deal with humans and not machines. She cited the words of the Foundress, Ven. Mother Seraphina, that Teaching becomes education when pupils are life, trained for character building, making ethical reflections and moral choices. She further added that the teachers are the ones who act as bridges to connect the students with society, learning with the application, and their spiritual development with materialistic growth.

The School Management hosted a lunch for the teachers and presented a small token of appreciation for the ‘Beacons of light.