Seven Corona Viruses affect humans Four mild three severe: Director AIIMS
ASSOCHAM organizes In conversation session with Dr Guleria
To create awareness among the people about Covid-19, ASSOCHAM organized a Session-3 on In Conversation with a leading Pulmonologist, Dr. Randeep Guleria.
ASSOCHAM – being a responsible apex body of the country has come up with ‘COVID 19 Awareness Web Series’ to create awareness among the people about this deadly virus and it was the third session of the series.
During the session, Dr Randeep Guleria, Director, AIIMS, informed that the Covid-19 virus start damaging the lungs, but it can affect all other organs as well.

Dr Guleria shared that “There are 7 coronaviruses which affect humans out of which 4 causes mild symptoms like cold, cough, fever whereas other 3 cause severe effects down into the lungs.”
“Patients who are elderly stayed in ICU for a long time, require mechanical ventilation, smokers, or chronic alcoholism have high chances of getting long term damage to the lungs, he added.
He also said that Covid Appropriate Behavior is a major key. Post-Covid patients should also be cautious and should remember the 3 P’s i.e., ‘planning, pacing & prioritization’.
Dr Guleria also answered a number of queries raised by the attendees during the session and cleared their doubts.
Mr Jitender Sodhi, Chairman ASSOCHAM Himachal Pradesh State Development Council during his address said, “It is well known that COVID-19 can cause lung complications such as pneumonia and, in the most severe cases, acute respiratory distress syndrome, or ARDS etc, the conditions can worsen in the people living with diabetes, heart disease. Hence they need to be more cautious.”
“Dr Guleria also mentioned about third wave and the Monoclonal antibodies availability in India and the country’s preparation to meet the requirement and mitigate the third wave which will not be as severe,” Mr Sodhi added.

The First & Second sessions of this series were successfully completed in the presence of a leading diabetologist by Dr V Mohan, President, Madras Diabetes Research Centre, Chennai on June 5 & renowned Cardiovascular and Cardiothoracic surgeon, Dr Naresh Trehan, CMD Medanta – The Medicity on June 25, 2021.