State Level Conference on Anti Human Trafficking was conducted
The Voice of Chandigarh News:
State Level Conference on Anti Human Trafficking was conducted at Shivalik View Hotel Sector 17, Chandigarh as per direction of Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi. Praveer Ranjan, DGP, UT, Chandigarh was Chief Guest who addressed the session and talked about the sensitivity of Human Trafficking and role of police and other Stake Holders to tackle the issue. R.K. Singh, IGP/UT, Manisha Choudhary, SSP/Security & Traffic, Kanwardeep Kaur, SSP/UT, Ketan Bansal SP/Hqrs & Crime and Shruti Arora, SP Women & Child Support Unit, Sita Devi were also present on the occasion.

117 officials of different Stake Holders/Departments i.e. Panel Lawyer (State Legal Service Authority), Para Legal Volunteers (State Legal Service Authority), Social Welfare Department, School Education, State Aids Control Society, Sec-15. Chandigarh, Commissioner MC, Iabour department, Sakhi One Stop Centre, Nari Niketan, Sec-26 and Child Welfare Committee. Chandigarh and two child welfare police officers from each police station of Chandigarh Police participated in this conference.
The prominent resource persons delivered the lecture on the topic of Human Trafficking: Its causes and remedies, Human Trafficking and Cyber World: – Tracing the perpetrator through Cyber World, NALSA Scheme on Trafficking, Laws and effective prosecution of Trafficking Crime and Intelligence gathering on Human Trafficking to participants. The discussion on the various issues of Human Trafficking was held among the various stakcholders. The certificates were distributed to the participants. Sita Devi DSP/W&CSU delivered the vote of thanks.