Travel Agents Federation of India (TAFI) elections for the 2023-25 term: Ajay Prakash Re-Elected as President
The Voice of Chandigarh News:

On September 02, 2023, in Mumbai, the Travel Agents Federation of India (TAFI) conducted its national elections for the term 2023-25. Ajay Prakash was re-elected unopposed as the TAFI President. Anil Kalsi has assumed the position of Vice President, taking over from Kamal R. Jadhwani. Abbas Moiz and Hitank Shah have retained their roles as National General Secretary and Treasurer, respectively.

The elected Committee Members for the 2023-25 term include Seeraj Sabharwal, Rai Achal Krishna, Ananda Valoo, Sampat Damani, Anil Punjabi, Paulose Mathew, Sunil Uttam, Jitul Mehta, and Somaskandan.