The Voice of Chandigarh News:
Two day Grievance Redressal camp being organized to readdress the pending applications/issues related to the Estate Office.

On the first day of the camp on 10.12.2022, a total of 68 applicants approached the camp with their claims/documents at Community Centre, Sector 18, Chandigarh.
All the applicants were well attended and have been provided with acknowledgements by the teams deputed for said purpose.
Now, the Estate Office will examine their grievances as per Rules and will take necessary steps to dispose of them and the decision taken by the Estate Office will be communicated to the applicants within one month.
The Secretary Finance-cum-Estates and the Deputy Commissioner-cum-Estate Officer have also reviewed the proceedings at Camp in the presence of the Assistant Estate Officer and other Branch Heads.
The second and last day of two day camp will be held on 11.12.2022 from 10 am to 2 pm at Community Centre, Sector 38-C for the residents/public for properties situated at Sector 31 onwards, Industrial Areas. Applicants/public whose applications are pending for any service related to Estate Office may approach and avail the service by visiting the said venue as per schedule date and time along-with relevant documents in support thereof.