Use scientific knowledge for the welfare of humanity – Satya Pal Jain
The Voice of Chandigarh News:
Satya Pal Jain, Ex MP and the Senior Most Member of the Panjab University Senate has said that the scientific knowledge should be used for the welfare of humanity and not for destroying it, by throwing bombs etc on innocent people. He said that scientific knowledge and advancement is the same for everybody, however, it depends upon people making use of it, whether they use it for the welfare of human beings or for causing destruction in society.

Mr. Jain was speaking at the valedictory function of the International Conference on Aspects of Material Science and Engineering held at Panjab University Chandigarh. The delegates from 34 countries participated in the conference.
Mr. Jain requested all the participants to work for contributing towards advancement in technology and also try to make India Atam Nirbhar in all these scientific matters.
Dr. Parveen Goyal and Dr. Shankar Sehgal co-ordinators of the conference, said that they have brought together experts from all over the world for sharing new ideas, experiences and knowledge and will continue doing so in future also.
On this occasion Prof. Sudhir Kumar, Dean Research and Sh. Vikram Nayyar, Registrar were also present.