9th Edition of International Yoga Day Celebrated at District Courts, Sector 43, Chandigarh
The Voice of Chandigarh :

The 9th edition of International Yoga Day was celebrated with much energy and enthusiasm at District Courts, Sector 43, Chandigarh.

In an atmosphere filled with zeal, which saw participation from Jagdeep Sood, ADJ, Surender Kumar, Member Secretary, SLSA, Navjeet Klair, Secretary, DLSA, Rahul Garg, ACJM and other Judicial Officers, Members of District Bar Association, District Court Employees, Legal Aid Defense Counsels, Counsellors, panel lawyers, para legal volunteers, staff members of State & District Legal Services Authorities.

Different yoga postures were performed under the guidance of accomplished yoga instructors of Department of Ayush, Chandigarh. The event not only brought a healing touch to the participants for a better tomorrow but also preached the mantra of good health and spirit.