‘Constitution Day of India ’ observed at Sacred Heart Senior Secondary School Chandigarh
The Voice of Chandigarh :
To observe ‘Constitution Day of India ’also known as ‘Samvidhan Divas’, celebrated to commemorate the adoption of the Constitution of India, the premises of Sacred Heart Senior Secondary School 26 Chandigarh, witnessed a historic moment on 23/11/23 when thousands of students came together to sing ‘Vande Mataram,’ aimed to unite in a grand display of patriotism. “Vande Mataram” which means “I praise thee, Mother” in Sanskrit was one of the most popular songs of protest during the Indian Independence Movement.As a record and Sacred Heart being only girls school, a number of 3059 girls and 150 teachers coming to a total of 3209 in counting, participated all together in rendition of the song also as a maximum participation in singing ‘Vande Mataram’:version of Mr.AR Rehman in a rhythmic tune. Everyone carried a small flag of India as a symbol of valour, purity, innocence, vigilance, perseverance and justice making this event a resounding success.

It was a phenomenal and memorable experience wherein all the students donned their uniform exhibiting unity and support while singing Vande Mataram,indeed spreading the patriotic feel all over the surrounding.The students standing in the attention position exhibited coordination and uniformity in their voices.
The message of nationalism imbibed among the girls echoed the spirit of oneness. It was a special experience that thousands of students joined hands to sing an ode to the motherland, personified as the ‘mother goddess’.

The Principal, Reverend sister Arti expressed her optimism, stating that continuous participation of the youth in national interest events with patriotic fervor will contribute to propelling the nation towards becoming a superpower and that young children should strive for building the country following the ideals of great visionaries.
Apart from this activity , the preamble was also read in the school. The ‘Preamble’ of the Constitution of India is a brief introductory statement that sets out the guiding purpose and principles of the document, and it indicates the source from which the document derives its authority, meaning, the people.
The collective spirit displayed during this day at Sacred Heart served as a powerful reminder of unity and patriotism.