Programme to organize National Legal Services Day in Govt. College of Education, Sector-20D, Chandigarh
The Voice of Chandigarh News:

The State Legal Services Authority, U.T., Chandigarh under the aegis of National Legal Services Authority (NALSA), New Delhi and able guidance of Hon’ble Ms. Justice Ritu Bahri, Acting Chief Justice-cum-Executive Chairperson, State Legal Services Authority, U.T., Chandigarh organized Legal Awareness Programme in Govt. College of Education, Sector-20D, Chandigarh to commemorate National Legal Services Day with the objective to promote and ensure access to justice to the marginalized, disadvantaged and weaker sections of the society as well as to celebrate the achievements of the workforce of Legal Services Institutions in U.T., Chandigarh.

The Legal Services Authorities Act was enacted by the Parliament in the year 1987 to establish a nationwide uniform network for providing free and competent legal services to the poor and weaker sections of the society.
The State Legal Services Authority, U.T., Chandigarh and District Legal Services Authority, U.T., Chandigarh in the year 2022 provided legal aid to 1865 persons and the legal aid in the year 2023 from January to October 31st, 2023 has been provided to 1805 persons. A Counselling Centre, which is a first initiative of its kind in India, has also been setup in the ADR Centre, District Courts, Sector-43, Chandigarh with the objective to provide counselling in pre-litigation matters relating to matrimonial/family disputes pending with Women Cell, Chandigarh; disputes such as divorce petition, maintenance (u/s 125 Cr.P.C.), custody matters of children, cases under Domestic Violence Act, u/s 498-A of IPC and other matters involving family disputes pending in the District Courts, Chandigarh.

The Legal Aid Defense Counsel System has also been setup in District Courts Complex in the month of June, 2023 to provide legal services in criminal matters on the pattern of Public Defender System in Magistrate and Sessions Courts of Chandigarh.
The State Legal Services Authority and District Legal Services Authority, U.T., Chandigarh organized National Legal Awareness Week from 1st to 9th November, 2023 to promote access to justice for the marginalized and deprived citizens of the society by organizing various awareness programme in villages, colonies etc. of Chandigarh on various topics such as road safety, POCSO, legal services to the victim of acid attack, legal services to senior citizens, to eradicate the menace of drug abuse etc. The skit programmes on various socio-legal issues were also organized at Sector-17 Plaza and Sector-17 underpass by the students of UILS, Panjab University, Chandigarh in collaboration with SLSA and DLSA, U.T., Chandigarh.

Arunvir Vashista, District & Sessions Judge, Chandigarh was the chief guest on the occasion and he motivated and encouraged the participants especially students to promote the cause of justice by providing effective legal services. He also motivated the students to keep learning throughout their lives and follow the path of righteousness as in this way they can promote rule of law.
Surender Kumar, Member Secretary, State Legal Services Authority, U.T., Chandigarh during his inaugural address stated that for the functioning of a healthy democracy, it is necessary that the people should have a feeling that their rights and dignity are well protected and recognized. The Preamble to the Constitution of India also promises of securing to all the citizens-Justice i.e. social, economic and political. He also stated that Legal Services Institutions such as NALSA at national level, State Legal Services Authorities at state level and District Legal Services Authorities at district level have been created under the Legal Services Authorities Act to provide free and competent legal services. The legal aid provides a foundation for a fair and effective justice system based on the rule of law. The right to free legal assistance is an essential component of the right of a fair trial.
He also stated that road safety has become a topic of great concern these days as more than 1,68,000/- people lost their lives on the roads in the year 2022 as per the report of Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, which means 19 people are killed on roads every year in India. There is a need to spread awareness amongst the masses to follow traffic rules and to instil road safety values amongst the students at a young age in preventing road accidents and creating a safer road environment. He also stated that there is also a need to protect the children from sexual offences by creating awareness amongst the students and it is the duty of every person to mandatorily report the matter to the local Police if they come across any case of sexual offence against the children.

Navjeet Klair, CJM-cum-Secretary, DLSA, U.T., Chandigarh also addressed and stated that the Panel Advocates and Para Legal Volunteers have a duty towards society to create awareness in order to ensure free and competent legal services to the poor and weaker sections of the society. She also motivated the Panel Advocates and Para Legal Volunteers to work efficiently in achieving the objective to promote access to justice for all.
Dr. Sapna, Nanda, Principal of Govt. College of Education, Sector-20D, Chandigarh also addressed the audience and gave details about the working of Legal Literacy Cell existing in Govt. College of Education. She also motivated the students and other participants to work together in order to promote and ensure access to justice for the needy people.
The State Legal Services Authority, U.T., Chandigarh also recognized the commendable work done by the Panel Lawyers, Para Legal Volunteers, Legal Aid Clinics and Legal Literacy Cells working in schools and colleges by awarding commendation certificates and mementos in different 10 categories on this occasion. The UILS, Panjab University, Chandigarh was given the award for running the best Legal Aid Clinic in educational institution (college level) whereas Legal Literacy Club working in Govt. Model Sr. Sec. School, Sector-33D, Chandigarh was given the best Legal Aid Clinic award at school level. The students of Legal Literacy Cell, Govt. College of Education, Sector-20D, Chandigarh also performed a skit to prevent female foeticide on this occasion.