Transport Department Prepares Certified List of Models Eligible for Road Tax Exemption in Hybrid Vehicles category in Chandigarh
The Voice of Chandigarh :
Nitin Yadav, Secretary Transport, along with Vinay Pratap Singh, DC Chandigarh, conducted a thorough review of the registrations of Hybrid vehicles in the city.
The Hybrid vehicles including Strong Hybrid and Plug-in Hybrid models, purchased within Chandigarh, will be granted full exemption from road tax. To ensure transparency and authenticity, the Registering and Licensing Authority (RLA) has meticulously compiled a certified list of Strong hybrid vehicles and Plug-in hybrid vehicles, including details of the Manufacturers, Models/variants, and certificate numbers provided by the manufacturers.

This certified list will be used to verify if the purchased models are indeed strong hybrid vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles, thereby facilitating the seamless application of road tax exemption. To keep the list up to date, RLA will continuously update it as they receive certificates from the manufacturers.
Moreover, the Transport Department has developed a comprehensive Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the hassle-free registration of hybrid vehicles in the city. Automobile dealers, after providing temporary registration certificates to the owners, will handle the formalities for road tax exemption directly with the Registering and Licensing Authority within 24 hours. With this simplified process, the application for road tax exemption will be processed by RLA within one day, sparing vehicle owners from tedious paperwork and long queues.
This step taken by the Transport Department aims to encourage the adoption of eco-friendly vehicles and contribute to a cleaner, greener Chandigarh. The exemption of road tax for hybrid vehicles will not only benefit the environment but also offer cost-saving advantages to vehicle owners.