“We need to have qualified Entomologists in the country to check and prevent the outbreaks and epidemics of Vector Borne Diseases”, Says Dr. Sujeet. K. Singh, President ISMOCD
The Voice of Chandigarh :

H. C. Gera | Bureau Chief
The XIV Annual Conference of Indian Society for Malaria & Other Communicable Diseases (ISMOCD) was recently held in collaboration with National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), Delhi, State Health Department, Kerala & University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram at Kovalam in the heart of Kerala. Over 400 delegates from different parts of India and abroad attended the conference. It was a well organized conference with a befitting theme “Threat of Zika and other Emerging and Re-emerging Vector Borne Diseases”

The ISMOCD began with the lighting of auspicious lamp by the dignitaries on the dais. The conference was organized in a systematic manner with an administrative skill of the highest order.

During the inaugural session Dr. Sujeet K. Singh, President of ISMOCD while welcoming the delegates and other dignitaries stated that we need to have qualified entomologists to check and prevent vector borne diseases. Now the entomologists deployed in various states and even at the centre are on contractual basis. He recalled that during his tenure at the Directorate of NCDC GOI, we had a galaxy of experienced entomologists and we used to rely upon their caliber and expertise. He however suggested that ISMOCD shall take up the matter with GOI for strengthening the Entomological Infrastructure in all the States and Union Territories. Dr. S. N. Sharma, General Secretary, ISMOCD presented the report card of the society. The others who spoke on the occasion were Dr. Roop Kumari (WCO,) Dr. A. P. Dash, Dr. Anil Kumar Addl. DGHS, Dr. V.Meenakshy Additional Director Health Services (FW) Kerala, Chairperson, local organizing committee ISMOCD and Dr. Sukhvir Singh.

Presentation of Mementos & Awards
Presentation of mementos and awards was a fascinating event amid glittering ceremony. Young Scientists awards and Lifetime achievement awards were given to eminent scientists and other prominent personalities who excelled and contributed in the field of prevention of Vector Borne diseases.

Plenary Sessions
The plenary sessions of ISMOCD were thought provoking and the speakers came up with their presentations with the latest topics which drew the attention of the audience. ‘What India’s G 20 Presidency means for Global Health’ by Dr. Jai Prakash Narain, set the tone of the conference. There were over 20 Plenary Sessions, where the eminent speakers poured their minds through their presentations based on the scientific canons.

Scientific Programme and the Technical Sessions
Under the Scientific Programme, there were four Technical Sessions which dealt with interesting topics during the three days conference.

Panel Discussion
One of the most grasping programmes was the Panel Discussion by the experts namely Dr. V. Meenakshy, Dr. R .S. Sharma, Dr. P.K. Srivastava, Dr Kalpana Barua and Dr. Tenzin Dikid. Dr. S. N. Sharma was the moderator of the panel discussion. The main focus of the discussion was centered on strengthening the entomological infrastructure and filling up of the posts of entomologists lying vacant since long in various states. In the absence of entomological components at various places the epidemics and outbreaks of Vector Borne Diseases shall continue to occur in future also. The panelists came out with the solution that the recommendations of the ISMOCD conferences shall be of great help for initiating the issue afresh and the matter should be taken with the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare for taking appropriate action in this regard.

Poster Presentations
Poster Presentation was another interesting event where the young scientists displayed their skill and the knowledge on their respective subjects. The awards were also given to those scientists whose posters were selected by the jury.
The three days XIV Annual conference would be remembered by the delegates and the participants for a long time to come. The organizing committee members worked exceptionally hard to make the ISMOCD 2023 conference a big success.